Sheetz - 2017 End Of Year

Shoot supervision, editorial, 3D, compositing, animation / Agency: Tattoo Projects
Tattoo Projects came to BLUE to post the 2017 SHEETZ end of year video, looking for an energy and style to match that of their client. They also had an idea for three very specific, complicated shots that needed the right team, with a blend of production and compositing expertise to execute.

"Tattoo pitched, and sold these frozen moment walk and talk shots that were ultimately part in-camera, and part composite. Shooting it the right way was key so we were on set and heavily involved to make sure we could deliver on their idea", Howard McCabe, Owner/Creative Director.

"We 3D modeled photo-real elements and composited them into the scenes to match the camera moves, and really sell the concept. Ultimately every step from production through post needed to align to make this work, which is why we were brought on board.”